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Southern Seoul Annual Conference The Korean Methodist Church

장식-1-3.pngOur Contact Details

Address) Methodist B/D 13F, 149, Sejong-daero, jongno-gu, seoul, Korea

Tel) 02-399-3930∼3

Fax) 02-399-3935

E-mail) ssac1990@daum.net

장식-1-3.pngOur Organization

1) District : 18

2) Church : 417

3) Total Pastoral Member : 1,086

ㆍFull members : 783

ㆍProbationary members : 67

ㆍAssociate members : 1

ㆍRetire members : 187

ㆍActing members : 29

ㆍDispatched members : 19

ㆍOverseas members : 0

4) Total Congregation : 198,997


5) Head Office

ㆍBishop : Rev. Kim, Chungsuk

ㆍGeneral Secretary : Rev. Geun-jong Song

ㆍSecretary : Seul Ki Choi

ㆍTreasurer : Ji Hye Lee

장식-1-3.pngOur Activities

1) Administration field

2) Mission field

3) Education field

4) Social work and Layman field